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Kamis, 17 November 2011


eggless caramel bread pudding recipe

I remember I ate pudding for the first time in a wedding feast,when I was studying in my lower primary. Of course it was an Indianized version and mostly puddings will be pineapple puddings those days. One of my uncles used to make fun by adding pudding to each and every thing we eat. But truly speaking I had no idea about puddings. Now though blogging world, I am now very happy to try a pudding recipe on my own and that too with my favourite caramel flavour!
           I love caramel flavour for no reasons from my childhood. The Nutrine caramello was my favourite toffee then, among all the toffees from nutrine my dad used to buy for us. Other than that,till date I love 5 star like anything. It tastes out-of-the-world for me, may be the chewy texture is what I like along with its flavour.  And coming to this pudding recipe, I bookmarked this from Tasty Treats few months back. At last I made this and loved it a lot. Simple ingredients and exotic pudding recipe Day dreaming.
eggless caramel bread pudding recipe

Eggless caramel bread pudding recipe

Recipe Cuisine: Indian  |  Recipe Category: Dessert
Prep Time: 2 hours setting time    |  Cook time: 20 mins    Serves: 6


Bread slices  8 
Milk  1 & 1/2 cups 
Sugar  2/3 cup (11 tblsp approx) 
Sugar for caramel  2 tblsp 
Vanilla essence  1 tsp 
Nuts(optional)  for garnishing 


  1. Tear the bread into pieces and add milk to it. Mash it well with potato masher. Mix vanilla and sugar and keep aside.
  2. keep ready the vessel(flat 6 inch bowl or any other similar) and heat a pan with sugar and 2 tsp water. Tilt the pan frequently for even heating and take care not to burn the sugar. At one stage the sugar starts turning deep golden yellow.
  3. Pour the caramel in the vessel and tilt to coat the bottom and a bit in the sides as well. Let it set for two minutes and pour the bread mixture to it.
  4. Steam cook it by covering the vessel with aluminium foil with holes pricked for the steam to escape. Steam for 20-25 minutes. (I used my pressure cooker. Fill it with 3/4 cup water, place the vessel with bread mixture inside covering the vessel with aluminium foil . Close the pressure cooker with lid, no need to put the pressure regulator / weight valve/ whistle.)
  5. After that,cool down and keep it in refrigerator for 2 hours minimum and then invert it  to a plate. You can cut it to desired shape before serving.


  • Be sure you dont over heat the sugar syrup after it turns golden in colour, otherwise it may taste bitter. Also take care not to burn it in the sides of the pan,tilt it frequently to avoid this.
  • You can top with nuts if you like.
  • Don’t add more milk or sugar than mentioned. The pudding by itself is gooey and sticky, so adding more of any one of the above may not set properly.
  • Give at least a day for setting, before serving/eating to enjoy the fullest flavour!
  • I used my pressure cooker for steaming,without the pressure regulator(valve/weight)

You can enjoy it cold as such or you can drizzle some caramel /butterscotch syrup as I did. I used Hershey’s store bought syrup . You can also serve it with Vanilla ice cream along with it.

eggless caramel bread pudding recipe

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