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Senin, 03 September 2012


I was pinterest-ing two days back and some pin took me indirectly to this site, where i found this awesome 1 minute microwave chocolate cake (single serving). The blog is amazing and I wondered how I dint noticed. I bookmarked it immediately to try (If anybody’s mind voice asks why instead of pinning I bookmarked, well there are somany pins in the To try board Dont tell anyone). But today I am supposed to do a post here and thought of trying this simple cake as I was not in mood to do anything else, only a chocolate cake, that too in less time. So I tried and it came out amazingly delicious, the whole house was smelling chocolaty, my hands, my fingers, wow!! So after a quick photo shoot,  I tasted the warm cake (yeah I clicked that fastAngel). It was so delicious, textured and soft as well. Even after I finished eating the cake, I had that chocolaty taste for sometime! Now this is my cup of cake!! So if dont think too much, the ingredients are so simple that everyone of you must have, go and try this one for you or your loved ones and get lost in the chocolaty cake…

Refer here the  source recipe for the Ingredients


  1. Place cocoa powder, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt(if adding) in a mixing bowl.
  2. microwave-chocolate
  3. Mix so that everything blends completely, evenly. Add liquids – milk and oil and mix properly, no over mixing.
  4. microwave-choco-cake
  5. Transfer to the baking dish – I used ramekin, you can use any microwave safe dish or even a microwave safe coffee mug. Microwave high for 40-60 seconds. Keep an eye after 40 seconds as it purely depends on your microwave oven. I did for 60 secs.
  6. microwave-cocoa-cake


  • If you are planning to invert the cake, then make sure to grease the dish before you pour the batter. If you are going to eat as such from the dish, then no need.
  • The cake will rise while you microwave, but not much to get overflowed. Refer my ramekin, how much I have filled to get an idea.
  • I used Van Houten cocoa powder and it was great.
  • I recommend coconut oil as it was best in this cake.

Enjoy it warm with ice cream or custard or with some choco sauce / caramel sauce … Tastes soft and great even if cools down, right from the top till the bottom, its soft and delicious!

To show the cake texture until the bottom of the cake Winking.

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